Showcasing traditional and contemporary Indigenous Art

Two Buffalo Virtual Gallery

Two Buffalo Studios

View Artists and pieces

Our Virtual Gallery is the first venture for us as we move forward to open our actual “Two Buffalo Studios’” in Sarasota.  A space to be visited by Florida locals and visitors.

Our Two Buffalo virtual gallery will be visited by our on-line visitors.  The gallery showcases living Indigenous artist’s current work, including both traditional and contemporary mediums and styles, ideally drawing connections between our cultures’ history and our continuous evolution into the future.

This Two Buffalo Virtual Gallery is designed not only to create opportunities for Indigenous artists to showcase their unique work, but to provide a market in support of the artist.  The IIMA will hold a 33% commission of all pieces sold during the show (this includes if any and all shipping costs).  This commission will be used by the IIMA fund and perpetuate the program for future artists. The remaining 67% will be distributed to the artist as items are sold.   If desired, the artist may also work with us to produce print-on-demand merchandise to sell online in conjunction with their show. Merchandising agreements will be made between IIMA and the Artist case by case.

Click here for eligibility and to sign up

Visit our Virtual Galley

Lisa Zavala – Host and Larry Knudsen Executive Director

Visit our Virtual Gallery

Step into our Two Buffalo Virtual Gallery, you can wear your VR headset to enjoy the full pleasure!

Underwriters & Partners

  • Pacifica Network
  • Native Voice One
  • PRX
  • Cars
  • Say Magazine
  • tdg
    wall of musical instruments