Welcome to Indigenous in Music with Larry K, this week Larry welcomes his guest from Fort Erie, Ontario. Dan General aka DJ Shub is in the house. He is a writer, producer and entrepreneur. He’s been enjoying the success with the release of new singles and now drops us the total package. His new album is out “War Club.” DJ Shub is featured in our current issue of the SAY Magazine, stop by to read all about him and his new album.
Music from DJ Shub, STOiK, Kelly Fraser, Eadse, Inez Jasper, Firefly, Dj Bitman, Frikstailers, Jewlz, Northern Cree Singers, Boogey the Beat, Bryden Gwiss Kiwenzi, The Sober Junkie, Soda Stereo, Carlos & Cubalos, Nortec Collective, Bebel Giberto, Richie Ledreagle, Novalima, Jamie Prado, XenOart, Novon, Allen French, Bomba Estereo, Iceis Rain and much, much more.
Visit us on our music page at IndigenousinMusic.com and our homepage at indigenousinmusicandarts.org. We have underwriting opportunities available. Indigenous in Music, a non-profit, section 501(c)(3).
Our interview is 30 minutes into the show, hour 1…..Enjoy!